Archive for the ‘sound design’ Category

Posted: September 7, 2015 in level 6, sound design

Title: Halo 2

Genre: first person shooter

Developers: bungie

Year it was released: 2004

The sound design in halo is incredible the music is great and getting the player hyped up for a big fight or calming them down during cut scenes and walking sections the music helps set the pace of the game really well. The other sound design in the game is also fantastic for its time with the enemy’s sounding real and allowing the player to see them conversing with each other to the gun sounds that sound incredible considering most of the guns don’t exists in real life.

Music: The music in the game is good at setting the mood for the player and the general feel of the mission you are going to be playing and has won many awards for the sound track of the game.

dialog: The dialog in the game is well written out and helps convey the story to the player you hear dialog a lot in halo from the main characters telling you what your mission is to the marines you are fighting next to and even the enemies you are fighting the only problem with the dialog is because the game is so old It is not in as high quality as you would expect

 game 2

Title: Dark souls 2

Genre: fantasy RPG

Developers: from software

Year it was released: 2012

The sound design in dark souls 2 gives the player a sense of dread and that there is danger around every corner from the sound of enemy’s to the chilling music that changes depending what zone you are in this with the incredible boss battle music and the individual sounds of the weapons make dark souls 2  sound fantastic.

The music: the music in the game is dark in tone and convoys a sense of hopelessness and dread. This changes when you enter a boss room and the boss music comes on and gets you ready for the fight

The dialog: the dialog in the game is well crafted and acted, there is few moments in the game when you hear dialog but when you do it leaves you wanting more

The quality of the audio: the audio in dark souls is a high quality everything is crisp and sounds good

Game 3

Title: Fallout 3

Genre: First person RPG

Developers: Bethesda

Release date: 2008

In my opinion the sound design in fallout 3 is one of the game’s greatest strengths it fully immerses the player in the world of fallout from the games incredible soundtrack that uses music from the 1950’s to the authentic sounds in the game everything fits with what the player would think the world sounds like during this time.

The dialog in the game is well written and the voice acting is well done making the player more immersed in the world and makes them feel like their choices matter.